house H [NL]
For this free-standing dwelling the municipality specified that it should be designed in the 1930’s style. The characteristics of this rich style were analysed and used as an inspiration without creating a pastiche.
The dwelling has an adaptive plan. The ground floor can be used in many different ways and can also be expanded. There are several different spaces which can be used as a living area, television room, library, study, kitchen et cetera. This polyvalent plan allows different types of use of the dwelling, without the need for reconstruction. Even though there are multiple spaces they are all connected in such a way that it feels as though one space flows into the next one. Besides the flexibility, the spatial quality and the rich detailing stand out.
In this dwelling many proven sustainability features have been implemented. Features like floor heating, super high insulation, shower heat recovery, balanced ventilation system with heat recovery, detailing without heat losses, materials (e.g. FSC certified wood). Furthermore we implemented a solar boiler which takes care of the heating and the warm water and we complied with the Dutch checklist on Sustainability for dwellings.
client: private
location: Putten [NL]
completion: July 2007
contractor: Aannemersbedrijf G.G. Aalten